Saturday, 6 September 2008

Meet the Makers - Jane Lloyd of Lovealittle

Today's Maker in the hot seat is Jane Lloyd of Lovealittle. Not only does Jane have the market all sewn up (intended pun I'm afraid) for Tetra Pouches for carrying about useful things like mooncups and other essentials but she also makes adorable gingerbread men finger puppets (we have one and it is a hit with my 5 month old), Waldorf dolls and more besides!

So over to Jane to tell us why she's looking forward to November and Handm@de...

I was excited to be a part of the Wemake London.

It was inspiring to meet the lovely faces behind the Etsy stores and a fun day. Everything inspired except the location as the venue was a little off the beaten track.

I met Becci from "Moments by Martha" for whom I'd just made some promotional lavender bags. She was wanting to plan an Oxford sale before Christmas. I offered my help, mainly for ideas and we haven't looked back. Handm@de promises to be truly inspirational for all concerned.

A little more about me can be found at

Buy Handmade

1 comment:

Katy Clouds said...

Yay Jane! Jane rules!!